Donald Trump’s victory in the US prompted cheers of Russian officials. On November 9, during a plenary session of the Russian Duma (Parliament), Vyacheslav Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, known for his nationalist and anti-American statements, addressed to the audience: “Dear friends, dear colleagues, three minutes ago Hillary Clinton acknowledged her defeat in the presidential elections of the United States, and a second earlier Trump began his speech as President-elect of the United States of America, and I congratulate you all with this.” After this the unexpected happened, the Duma members rose in unison from their seats, and a storm of applause greeted the news of the election of the 45th US president.
Sergei Glaziev, President Vladimir Putin’s adviser on economy, declared: “I think Trump, as a pragmatic person, will cancel the anti-Russian sanctions that harm also the American business. Therefore, the trade, financial and economic relations between Russia and not only the USA, but also the West in general, will be restored and will likely grow, depending on the purely economic environment.”
Margarita Simonyan, Chief Editor of the Kremlin propaganda RT TV channel that broadcasts to the West, left the following entry in her Twitter account: “In general, today I’m going in my car the following way: In one window there is our [Russian] flag, in the other, the American flag. This symbolizes peace, friendship, and chewing gum. In advance.”
And Putin himself: “A few hours ago in the United States presidential elections ended. We have closely followed the campaign. I want to congratulate the American people with the completion of the electoral cycle, and Mr. Donald Trump, with his victory in these elections. We heard the pre-election statements of the still United States presidential candidate, which were aimed at the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States. We understand and are aware that it will be a difficult path, in view of the degradation in which, unfortunately, are the relations between the US and Russia. This, as I have said many times, is not our [Russian] fault that the Russian-American relations are in that state. Russia is ready and wants to restore full relations with the United States.”